Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Sensational to Sublime

On Saturday I met a friend for lunch at Don Quijote in Valparaiso. Once again we shared good conversation and wonderful tapas.  After lunch I wandered over the the String-Along Quilt Guild's show. It was wonderful and absolutely huge! With a lovely market. You can read more about it here at Stitches of Life's post.
On Sunday afternoon, after tackling the daunting task of sorting and paying the month's bills, hubby and I headed out to Michigan City and the Lubeznik Center for the Arts. The main gallery features side-show signs (above). They were pretty impressive.  Upstairs is a show with two related pieces by each artist--the Double Take show was very thought provoking. But our favorite exhibit was, as usual, the art done by school children. This exhibit was Black History Month posters. The posters were varied, creative and wonderful. (and Michelle Obama's "eat healthy" message is certainly getting out there!)
Spring came so early this year we feared that we'd missed them. But we were in luck. The woods at the Baily Homestead were full of masses of my favorite Spring Beauties. We also saw trilliums (an early one is blooming below), trout lilies, buttercups, toothwort, violets and violas, bloodroot leaves but the plants weren't blooming yet. May Apples huge umbrella-like leaves are up and they're budding. We didn't find any Jack in the Pulpits, but we had a lovely walk and I was just so happy we hadn't missed the spring display.

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