Tuesday, May 29, 2012

It's Done!

Blocked and ready to send off. I put my notebook into the cover. I need a few more page protectors for the final paper and to write a cover letter.

It's been an interesting journey and I learned a lot. I think. I like the first flowers I stitched much better than the later ones. I'm not sure if that's due to the more complex flower designs or if I lost the lightness and precision that I was really focusing on in my stitching in the beginning. I feel I lost some of that focus as I went on. 


  1. That is looking so lovely. I know about that loss of focus (which is not at all evident in your finished work); I am struggling with that myself - or maybe it is rather a loss of interest in my case.

  2. It looks wonderful! I don't see the lost focus at all. From here it just looks beautiful!

  3. Marjorie, that is absolutely wonderful!!!!!!!!! I'm so impressed!

  4. Congratulations on finishing. It is beautiful, you have done a great job with it.

  5. Beautiful! congrats.

    btw, I received news from Valpo Art Museum - a new photography exhibit. Will have to scan and send to you.

    I recall your DH enjoys photography + the images from the brochure were interesting. Stay tuned.

  6. What fun you must have had stitching this! Plus it turned out just beautiful!

  7. What fun you must have had stitching this! Plus it turned out just beautifully!
