Friday, May 4, 2012

A little stitching

I've been very busy at work lately and not stitching much. I've gotten in a bit of work on the Sudoku project and am nearly half-way done. The small squares work well with my limited time, but they're like popcorn. I can't do just one! I like some squares a lot and others not-so-much, but it's fun to play.
I also finished another Dalek egg cosy. I'm nearly done with a fourth, thanks to our weekly knit/crochet group at work.
This is me and my sweetie at a car collection tour this weekend. These short jaunts are fun and I have friends in the group that I'm always happy to visit with. The cars are usually old and/or rare and generally polished up and shiny. This tour also had a large collection of animated and neon clocks.


  1. I like the colors in your Sudoku, and it was a lot of fun to stitch.
    Are you going to the parade?

  2. Ah nice pictures, Marjorie! I am in love with the daleks already. K and F are having a dalek as part of their wedding celebrations :)
