Friday, June 8, 2012

Days flying past

Poof! this week has flown by. Work is ramping up--a conference to run next week followed in July by a two-week-long summer school. I'm mired in details! Last Saturday we visited with my family, at my sister's. 
We feasted and brought home bags of fresh-picked asparagus. We had a very good time.  
 The weather was perfect. We lingered by the cars, not wanting the day to end.  
On Sunday, we went to a car show in Crown Point. Lots of interesting vehicles. In parking lots today all you see are bland white, silver, greige, beige boringness, with an occasional black or red car. At car shows there is COLOR! Peach, hot pink, yellow, orange, blue, purple, a rainbow! (although you can't really tell that by this picture!
How's this?

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