Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Beautiful summer weekend fun

This weekend was lovely. Saturday I woke up early to have some quiet time to learn something new. Double knitting.
side one-black.
I have a project that I want to make and I want to at least start off with double knitting. It's going to be reversible.
side two-blue.
Here's my first sample. I cast on with one color, added the second color and then began knitting the two sides. Once I did a few rows and got the idea, I tried K1P1 ribbing and then K2P2 ribbing. Before I bound off, it was like a little pocket. I cast on for my project. I did it with some very good tutorials from WIP Insanity. Keep your fingers crossed that this works. As I was starting, I realized I'd made a huge mistake with my math. 
At least I caught it in time!
On Sunday we went up to the Oak Park Conservatory. We hadn't been there for over a year. Both of us had our cameras out right away, inspired by the foliage.
these are just a few of my pix; I'll post more tomorrow. We had such fun!

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