Thursday, August 23, 2012

Color at the Conservatory

One thing I noticed on Sunday was the amazing colors. I've noticed it before, of course, but I found myself looking at it more carefully this time.
More shades of green than I could quantify. I love this pastel edged in white.
Pink and green were everywhere, in every shade combination possible. A little girl at Camp Quality last week was noticeably drawn to pink and green. It's a natural.
Red and orange, not so much. But isn't it great here?
Here, too. It's balanced perhaps by the green leaves and gray stone.
And sage and black--how elegant. A sage dress with black trim? Perfect!
If you told me wine and lime, I'd cringe. But I love it here. Why? Is it the shades? proportions?
After sating our eyes, we headed out to the new outside garden/patio and had our picnic lunch--big green salads with leftover salmon on top, dressed with lemon. Yum! It was a perfect summer day.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds and looks wonderful, perfection indeed, Marjorie.
