Friday, August 3, 2012


I did it! I finally completed the EGA's Individual Correspondence Course in Jacobean Crewel. It only took me three-times the estimated time to complete. The letter is really nice and encouraging; I'm thrilled. To top off my excitement, I was invited to exhibit in the Education Show at the National Seminar! I can't get it ready for this year, but hope to do so next year in Louisville.
Here are the pieces I submitted, the main piece above and samplers below. The thick notebook, behind the samplers, includes my required paper, bibliography, and notes and research materials.
This was really fun.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Congratulations Marjorie. Well done. I particularly admire the 'big' piece you submitted. Lovely traditional design worked in gorgeous stitches and colours. I hope you enjoyed the journey!

  3. Kudos to you on this special achievement! Well done!

  4. Beautiful job on your crewel work. Congratulations.

  5. Congratulations on finishing the course. What a sweet letter, you must be delighted with that response.

  6. Not sure where my comment went!!!! Anyhow, congrats (again) and did you see these on the EGA blog???
