Friday, September 28, 2012

not much going on

Sorry for the silence. Between work and physical therapy not much is going on here. I have made a good effort to pick up a needle each night, even if just for a few stitches. Just that much is wonderful. I've got a few older projects I'm working on slowly and a few newer ones, like the knitting (for Christmas) and the crafting (for Christmas), that I can't show.
Our summer challenge for Homewood Guild was to complete a nametag. I came up with my design last spring, and then it sat. My intent was to do goldwork, similar to the project now on Lily Stitch (a blog I just found and am happily following). Reality intruded and the day before our meeting, when I hadn't even begun stitching, I decided a change of plan was in order.

I turned to my favorite-felt-and found felt and Impressions threads in my stash (plus an unknown slightly variegated wool blend and an unknown silver thread) and at least got my nametag underway before the meeting. (I was stitching at the dinner table at the restaurant where the meeting was held.) Last night I added the finishing touches, backing and neck ribbon.

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