Wednesday, October 10, 2012

800th Post

I was pretty surprised to note last week that my next post would be number 800. In honor of that, I decided to do a small giveaway.
This is the mixed-media needlebook that I made a couple of years back in a class at the International Quilt Festival. If you want some needle dreams, please leave a comment on this post, making sure that you include a way to contact you if you win.  I'm going on holiday for a couple of weeks, so please leave your comment by October 28 and I'll do the draw soon after that.  Anyone, anywhere may enter.  Good luck!

Our guild show this past weekend was fun. A bit exhausting on Sunday--I was there from 9:00 a.m. until shortly after 4:00 p.m. It was mostly over by then and my cold caught up with me so I dragged on home.  It was a fun time--I mostly enjoyed spending time sitting with various guild members and just chatting. It was wonderful.
A while back I bought a magazine with an English paper pieced design for a table mat on the cover. I visited the show's Market on Saturday with my sweetie and found fabric for it. Washed it with the towels Saturday afternoon and cut out my card hexagons while it was drying. I began stitching Saturday night, doing the embroidery and basting the fabric to the hexagons. The orange piece to the left is the beginning of the outer row. The wrapped stack of hexagons are my covered hexagons, waiting to be attached to the row (tied because they're in order). Since I snapped this picture, I've gotten the outer row about 3/4 of the way done. (and wore a hole in my middle finger stitching at a guild meeting without a thimble.)


  1. I really like the needlebook. Please include me in the drawing.

    The placemat is also nice. The orange piece you pointed out is very interesting; I like the mottled green piece on the top of the tied stack: it looks like it will nicely pick up some of the colors from the other hexagons.

  2. I love your needlebook!
    I have done a little EPP - I like your addition of embroidered hexagons!

  3. I love your needlebook and would love a chance in your giveaway...thanks so much!

  4. Oh my I love your needlebook! Congrats on 800 posts! I would love to win

  5. 800 posts! How wonderful! I am a new blogger and can't even imagine that many posts. Congratulations! I would love a chance to win :)

    Laurie Anne xx
