Sunday, December 2, 2012

Renee's Shower

Among the other things I did last week (mostly, I felt, doctoring), I hosted a small shower for a good friend.  Renee and her fiance have been together for 57 years and finally decided to make it official! (yes, that is fifty-seven!)  We had a blast!
We met at a local restaurant's small private room. Here's most of the group sitting around chatting before dinner.
We added our wishes to a "tree" for the couple. I made small favors and Renee made us all a jar of her famous French Dressing.
Here's the Bride-to-Be in her "official" Bride hat. We all talked about how we met Renee (and how long we've known each other!) and about how she and Mel met in college and how the wedding came about, her dress and her ring. Girl stuff. The ceremony will be in a week. I'm sure it will be lovely.
Best wishes to the Happy Couple!


  1. What a beautiful red outfit she's wearing. Glad you all had fun!

  2. No point in rushing into things, right? I dated my husband for 9 years before we tied the knot and heck that's longer than a lot of people stay married, but 57 years beats any kind of record! Congratulations to the happy couple. :)
