Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Great week for mail!

Last week was a great week for fun mail. First, I'd won a prize in Wooly Thread's recent giveaway days.

I was thrilled to learn the Talliferro pomegranate pattern and instructions would be mine. The package of instructions is really complete and I've been wishing I'd thought to order the threads for the design at the same time.  I will soon. (I am a customer of Wooly Thread and think their service is great.)

I also received another package with treasures from Eileen's estate. This one came a round-about route, but arrived safe and sound. (Thanks!) With an extra--a package of Waitrose Shortbread. It was really hard but I shared it with my office mates one afternoon. I brought the rest home to savor.
The package had some lovely needlework items in it.
This is one of several pieces of Battenburg Lace (left)--and a smaller, older piece of Princess lace (right). Both are tape laces made with similar techniques.

I've never seen colors like these in a Chinese embroidery before. I just love the rosy-peachy tones.

This drawn thread table topper is amazing--this is one corner. And it is in great shape--obviously well cared for.

As is this needle lace table runner/dresser scarf. I haven't yet had time to thoroughly explore these pieces.

This card has some unusual old trim. It's shown along with some lovely crochet edging--quite a long piece--and a piece of very fine, very old bobbin lace.

I've been piddling along, not doing too much evenings. I've knit a bit, worked on a Japanese embroidery piece, made a gift for a friend, and worked on my pattern/plan for finishing my felted sweater purse. It feels so slow and I've been feeling rather bummed about it, until I got home early last night and realized that most days I'm awake and at home about four hours--for getting ready for work, breakfast, dinner, getting cleaned up and ready for bed...I think I'll be easier on myself (for a while at least).

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad they got there safely and good to learn what some of them are.
