Sunday, February 3, 2013

Hubby's Birthday Weekend

Today is my husband's birthday. We have had a quiet weekend. He did some snow shoveling--more like sweeping. The flakes were really fat and light and fluffy and very pretty. A nice snow.

Yesterday we ventured out to Southlake Mall (a place we usually avoid) to scout out a new bookstore we'd heard of. We weren't impressed.  We mostly hung around the house. I worked hard all last week and especially yesterday and got up early this morning to complete the buttonhole edging around his eagle blanket.  It was folded on his chair when he got up this morning.
I also put my card for him there--Happy Birthday in Gallifreyan script (the language of the Time Lords of Dr. Who). I've been playing around with it lately.

Since I was happily into buttonhole stitch and I had perle coton left over from the blanket, I began two new projects. I don't have finished pictures--and it's too dark now to take them--but since I took these pictures, I've completed the tea cozy and am about 1/3 of the way done with the tote bag.
Both are made from a thrift shop sweater that I'd felted a couple of years ago. Last fall as I was making the Dr. Who tea cozy, I realized I needed a new tea cozy, too. I just cut an arc from the bottom of the sweater and stitched the two pieces together. I'm debating about embroidering something, such as a monogram on it, but for now I'm enjoying it just plain.

For the tote, I cut off the sleeves and stitched the opening, stitched the neck opening together--it had a folded-in hem so it still tends to fold in. The handle is the sides of the sweater where I cut out the tea cozy. It looks basket-like to me. Right now I'm closing it with a very large pin, but I plan to add a large snap to the inside. I'm buttonholing all the raw edges with the perle cotton. I'll finish it tonight or tomorrow.

Now I'm looking for something to do with the two sleeves.

It feels pretty good for a weekend's work!

Hubby asked for tacos for dinner so I should go and get his birthday dinner going. I hope you all have a good week.

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