Thursday, March 21, 2013

WIP progress

I took advantage of last Saturday's This-n-That workshop and World Embroideries' lovely large improvised light box (a large pane of heavy glass suspended between two tables over a lamp) to transfer some of the designs I'm beginning.
First, I traced the peony design for the ANG workshop onto the Lugana.  The traced design is laying on the light table over the printed design, moved slightly so it looks doubled. It was really easy to see. I used a .005 Pigma black pen for the tracing. It's a very fine line.
I also traced Paradisio, the design I recently won from Wooly Thread. It's much harder to see the printed design through the linen twill. And harder to get a good tracing of the design because the herringbone weave is so prominent. I used the same pen as above (and then realized I should have used a lighter color pen, given the light color of some of the stitching). I got the design onto the fabric. The pattern calls for blue crewel wools. I looked for something last Wednesday in the needlework shops we visited, but nothing grabbed me. I came home and poked through my threads and decided to use red. I have a good selection of reds that I like and pomegranates are, after all, red. (I tend to be pretty literal.) So I pulled the reds and some neutrals I think will work and am ready to go.


  1. Our updates Recent articles:

  2. enjoy your posts it is very interesting to read thank you

  3. Oh what a lot of work before you can even begin stitching. But I suppose that's part of the fun.

  4. For someone that does better with small projects, you've got some pretty good-sized designs underway. Congratulations on your win of the Talliaferro piece. I purchased the Royal Persian Blossom Suite, but haven't started it yet. They have some amazing designs. The blackwork peonies are a very nice design too. They appear to be from the same series as the blackwork roses featured on the cover of the latest issue of NeedleArts. I got to see the roses up close and personal at the Blackwork exhibit at EGA hdqtrs in mid-month. Very interesting exhibit, and we met some of the artists too!

  5. Red for pomegranates sounds better to me too. Some concentrated stitching ahead!
