Sunday, May 26, 2013


I've been inspired again lately. It feels so good!
I've been working on the ring-bearer pillow. I'm really enjoying this project.
A friend gave a lecture at Homewood Embroiderer's Guild about applique. She provided kits and demonstrations for doing needleturn applique.  I love this technique, but my skills could use improvement, so I took a kit home to practice.  I completed my heart the night of guild and I didn't have to stay up too late to do it. The combination of the books she brought to her talk plus her demo really helped. Hearts are great shapes for learning with the inner and outer points and curves.
Another friend has sent me a variety of silk fabric remnants from her mother's estate. Some were portions of garments and some were scarves. They inspired me to collect a few silk scarves of my own in coordinating solids and to begin to make yo-yos.  I love how the houndstooth silk kind of sparks up the solid colors.  I'm not sure what the end result will be. The scan above was the work of one evening of fun.  

I was inspired by something I saw in a book, where silk yo-yos were stitched in rows on the outside of a tote-type purse.  I'm debating stacking the smaller ones on the larger or stitch them in alternating rows. So many possibilities!


  1. Your ring-bearer pillow is really stunning! And I'm envious that you finishing the applique heart from Guild. Can't wait to see what you'll do with the yo-yos!

  2. The ring pillow pattern is stitching up beautifully. Good to hear you're being inspired again!

  3. These are lovely, I am glad you are inspired again. The hounds tooth looks great and it is a wonderful idea for these scraps of silk.

  4. You did a beautiful job on your appliqued heart. It's perfect! But then I think all of your work is exquisite. Especially love your embroidery work.
