Monday, June 24, 2013

Me Time

In general, I feel a lot of my time is "me time." But sometimes, especially when the pressure is on at work, it feels great to take some time to do things I really enjoy.  On Friday, World Embroideries and I went to the Midwest Fiber and Folk Art Fest, up at the Lake County Fairgrounds (IL).  It was, as usual, great fun.  Even heavy storms didn't detract from our visit.
 I did find some treasures to add to my stash.  I have a shawl underway, but it's more complex and needs more of my attention than I feel I can give it right now.  The colors remind me of the shore.
I'm going to try wire knitting, and make this bracelet. The chips are peridot, my birthstone.
This fun kit makes two adult hats and three kids hats from the one skein. You knit using both the outside end and the inside end of the skein to produce the color changes.  I think it'll be tangled but fun.

On Saturday, after errands, I had a massage, a rare treat.  It left me relaxed (limp as a noodle). I finished as a spa night with a hot bath with epsom salts and an early bedtime.  

I stayed lazy on Sunday and finally began to rev up Sunday night.  Good, 'cause this looks like a killer week coming up.  But now I'm calm, relaxed, destressed and detoxed, ready to dive in.


  1. Sounds like a great weekend! and those are beautiful soft colours....

  2. I totally agree with the need for "me time" :) Glad you had such a fun time; that shawl - and the lovely ocean colours - is gorgeous!!!
