Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Productive Weekend

 We stayed home most of this weekend. I was whacked from the busy week and he was not feeling very well.  In spite of that, I feel like I got a lot accomplished.

First, I finished the embroidery on the strawberry ring-bearer pillow.
This photo is off angle--I was looking down at it as it stood upright on the frame.
Not only that but I got out the stretcher bars, laced it up nice and taut, and washed and rinsed it.  It came out nice and smooth.  It's a pain to lace things, it really is, but the results are well worth it.  I used dental floss to lace--it's nice and tough and doesn't break and while it's hard to tie into a knot, it's also not round and slippery like thread. It kind of stays where you put it.
And I got out the felt and began to make up the four strawberry dangles for the corners of the pillows.  Each is made from a half circle, rolled into a cone, and covered with random detached chain stitches (lazy-daisy stitches).  You can see a completed one on my scissors fob.  The brown twisted cords will be the stems for the berries.  I'll add a green frill.

I'm still debating between box pillow and knife edge and what kind of trim or piping to use on or in the seam. 
That's not all I managed this weekend.  More to come.


  1. Sounds like you had a productive weekend, even though you weren't feeling well. The finished item is absolutely beautiful.

  2. Thats' absolutely gorgeous - the soft grey background really works so well against the strong colours of the design.
