Monday, July 29, 2013

Back in the Saddle--for a while at least

I feel rather like one of those athletes who retires only to come back right away. My surgery's been postponed until January (my surgeon had an accident and emergency surgery), so I'm back for a while. It's a bit odd--I'd disengaged from so much in preparation and I'm finding it hard to step back on the merry-go-round.
The two-week long Summer School in Law and Economics was awesome, exhausting, fun and very hard work. We had food, fun and fourteen hour days some days.  I didn't participate in everything--I don't know how the students managed.
I saw some old friends and made many new ones. (I learned how to use my iPad to take photos, my first is above.)
Now I'm trying to find my desk under the piles of paper that accumulated.
I received some lovely gifts from the students, including this embroidered butterfly good luck tassel from China and a checked shawl from Thailand.  (I've already used the shawl in our unseasonably cool weather recently.)
I did not do any stitching, nor much of anything, really, during the last month.  I did occasionally pick up my shawl and stitch a row. It's hard to tell without it being stretched, and it's now too wide to stretch, but I think it will be really pretty. I'm on ball three of five, so nearing the half-way point.  The simple lace pattern is great for tired nights--especially with all the markers I'm using.
I missed you all and am catching up gradually with your blogs and with Facebook.  I had just settled into Olde Reader only to learn they're going away now, too.  I've exported to both Digg and Feedly to see which I prefer. Right now I'm leaning toward Digg.  I look forward to catching up with everyone.


  1. What fantastic stitching you've been up to! The ring bearer pillow is adorable and the Japanese embroidery stunning. Looking forward to seeing the finished shawl blocked out too!

  2. Those conferences do seem like fun. I know what hard work they are for you, but it is nice to be involved.

  3. What an odd twist of fate, your surgeon needing surgery of his own! Glad you made it through your conference and had a good time :) Both gifts are lovely, especially the pretty butterfly!

    RE: RSS Readers - I had no idea that the OR was going away, it was my second favourite option after Bloglovin, which I'm currently using. I had high hopes for Feedly but found it just too slow for my older computer. I hadn't heard of Digg, so thanks very much for the tip! I'll check it out ;)
