Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Still not much going on here.  I'm knitting the shawl off and on in the evenings.  I had all the pieces and finally got motivated and put the Three Happiness piece into the frame.  I'm pleased with the way it came out.  It's now hanging on my office wall.

I have some projects hanging fire--challenges for each of my guilds. One is begun and I need to get back to it--I know more or less what I'm going to do. I just have to settle down and do it.
 The other is baby bibs. I didn't want to use the cross stitch fabric bibs on offer for the project, so I got some thick washcloths and twill tape binding to make my own. I've collected some baby animal designs to stitch on them in outlines. Mom used to make baby bibs out of hand towels with a hole cut in them for the head toward one end--the hole was finished with t-shirt type ribbing. They were great, popped on and off and were very absorbant and easy to clean. And with that neckline, really kept the little one clean. But they're for babies over a year and the bibs we're making are for infants. Hence my trials with washcloths.  I'll keep you posted on how it goes.


  1. Oh, lord, bibs. I remember going through millions of them specially with Vanessa. She threw up all the time as a baby but was always very cheerful.

  2. Three Happiness looks stunning. That frame just sets it off perfectly.

  3. Your framing turned out great! Good luck with the baby bibs :) I don't blame you for wanting to make your own. A new line of pre-finished small items (including bibs!) came into my local Michaels a few months ago and I was so excited - until I really looked at them and found the quality was *really* lacking.

    DMC has some cute little stuffed animals with tiny stitchable bibs on the market now though which might make nice gifts! They would be a cute nursery shelf decoration ;)
