Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Stitches Midwest Stash

First, some progress to show on the Lavish shawl--I'm well into the final ball of yarn. (and a bit worried I'll have enough to bind off where I want to!)
Now on to the Stitches Midwest show and pile of new stash!
I bought this pattern and ordered the kit to be mailed to me from Miss Babs Hand-Dyed Yarns and Fibers. (Check out their beautiful colors!) I haven't gotten my wool yet, but have been assured it's on it's way.
I've ordered a very different color way from the one shown here. This shawl was all over the festival, in many color choices, and I still like the one I picked the best. It's a black background with the leaves and stems in different saturated colors. I can't figure out the pattern from reading it--I'll need to do it.
I found this periwinkle-opalescent color in the Verdant Griffon's sale box (the beads came from another vendor I forgot to note).  I'm thinking shawl with the drop beads at the edge.  (I'm thinking this with my first shawl still on the needles! sheesh!)
This yarn is from Windy Knitty. (Isn't that a great name for a Chicago yarn shop?)  I'm planning another Verdant shawl. This one will begin with the pink, go to the greens and then pick up the second skein starting with the green and ending with pink.  A rainbow to wear. And it feels doable.
This was an impulse purchase, plain and simple. Wool & Co. is a shop near my sister's, so I get there on occasion (well worth a visit--it's a lovely shop). But I fell in love with this gossamer scarf and the red yarn (it's shades of red from magenta to orange).  The yarn has little sparkles (sequins) in it. It should be quick to do. I've got the needles out--this is the one I'm itching to begin.
This was another impulse purchase. I don't regret it at all.  Inspired by an Arts & Crafts era California home, I really like a lot of the designs included. 
Here are thumbnails from the table of contents. Some have color work, some have texture stitches, some both. There are larger and smaller projects, simple and more complex. I also like that the two sweaters included have larger sizes--no figuring if I want to make one for me (as if! socks and mitts are more my speed...but I still love feeling included).  The periwinkle yarn is of the same type used in the aqua socks center bottom, so that's another possibility.

So far this week I've been busy and haven't done much of anything. I have been browsing my patterns and Ravelry--I've learned a friend's daughter is expecting...Baby Patterns!

1 comment:

  1. Whoa! Great new stash :) All of your shawls-to-be sound very exciting, especially the rainbow one (that yarn is *gorgeous*)! I crochet rather than knit, but I love the look of shawls too - although I can never figure out how to wear them, LOL. The Autumn here is so short, it goes from too-hot-to-breathe to deep-freeze seemingly overnight ;) The periwinkle wool and beads are such an elegant combination too!
