Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Vacation Photos

This is the first sight that greeted us as we arrived in Munising, Michigan. Alger Falls. To the left is the town. To the right a short ways, our cottage.
Autumn color was just starting to appear inland. We could tell a difference in the color between our trip up and our trip home. Probably because it got very chilly.  It was 90 Tuesday in Green Bay.  Wednesday night in Munising it got down to the low 30s!
This is our cottage. A lot of space for two, but the only kitchen we could find available. It was great.
The first, and best, thing we did was take the Picture Rock National Lakeshore Boat Tour.  The agent at the Michigan Welcome Center really helped us by looking up boat tour times, informing us we'd move into the Eastern time zone on our way, and warning us that the weather was due to change and the waves were set to increase--which might cancel boat tours.
We got to the last regular boat tour.  The evening tour went out after us (in pouring rain) and then all tours were canceled during the rest of our time there due to high waves.  We just made it to our tour by the skin of our teeth--we caught a shuttle out to the boat and were the last to board.  

The new camera worked like a champ (Canon PowerShot).  I took about 100 photos just on the boat tour.
The Picture Rocks are fascinating. The colors are amazing.
This is a photo out the front window of the boat. They got very close in to the rocks.

We entered a heavy bank of fog and it poured rain on the way back to the dock, but the rainbow as the sun came out was wonderful and the perfect ending to the boat tour.
If you want to look, all of the photos are up on my Flickr vacation 2013 set.

1 comment:

  1. Cool photos! We went to the UP a week or two before you did. It was 90 degrees there. We'll have to compare notes!
