Friday, October 25, 2013

Busy at work

I haven't been able to catch my breath lately with all the events, meetings, workshops, and mailings. I have gotten some fun things done, albeit slowly.
 Some progress on the red fagot-stitch scarf.
 And a few more rows on the Leftie Shawl.  I love the way the colors pop!
 Cathy at Homewood Guild taught us how to make rickrack roses. Aren't they cool?  She offered the project as a rose how-to only or as a purse project that incorporated the roses.  The purse was really cute but I didn't think I'd get it finished so I didn't get it. Now I'm not sure what I'll do with these guys.  The pink rose is about the size of a nickel.
 Mary Frances passed a way a few years ago and some of her fabric stash made the rounds recently. I selected these pieces (plus one more, which will feature in another post).  Mostly linen or lugana but a piece of canvas and some small pieces of linen twill for crewel.
The seasons are rushing by. I took this photo on Tuesday, the 22d.  On the 23d I woke up to an ice encased car--I had to chip the windows clear. And I drove home though a sleet storm. It's been calm since, but a portent of things to come.  Christmas is two months from today!

1 comment:

  1. I love your "Leftie" shawl, and your roses are amazing!
