Friday, October 11, 2013

Finished shawl!

I'm busy at work with conferences--I ran one last week and have one twice the size next week.  With several events to follow and then yet another conference.  So I'm working long hours, going home and doing nothing in the evenings.
I did do this last weekend, though.  I worked Saturday, but was home Sunday and it was a lovely early fall day.  So I decided not to wait for my new blocking wires to arrive and to go ahead and block the shawl.  Here it is all done.  I can see from the photos my "spine" is a little angled and my edges not perfect, but I didn't notice until seeing the photos. 
 Here's a closer view.  It was a very pleasant afternoon.  We got a tent floor from Cabella's and that worked wonderfully.  I had picked up T-pins at a Jo-Ann's notions sale early in the summer.  I washed the shawl and rinsed it well, wrapped it in a towel and squeezed, and then pinned it out.  I believe the display shawls had points on the lace edge, but I couldn't see where to pin it--until I was taking the pins out, then I saw the pattern better and if I'd used every other pin on those edges, I think I'd get points, too. But I like this just fine.
 After the shawl was pinned, I got out a lawn chair and sat outside in the early fall weather.  I wrapped up as it got chilly, but it was mostly sunny and nice.  Hubby took a bike ride and then changed the oil in the car. I sat and read, knitted a bit, and lazed about. 
I've worn it every day this week. 


  1. Beautiful shawl, and the colours will really suit you. I'm glad you got a bit of time out to do this.

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