Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Dr. Who

No stitching to show this week. Still working on some Christmas gifts. I did get the quilt fabrics washed and my sister guided me as I cut the first squares.  

This week's been focused on Dr. Who and the special Fiftieth Anniversary! Last night we went to the movie theater with friends to see the big 3-D extravaganza.
It was wonderful and awesome and we had a great time. The crowd was great--many wore costumes. I loved the Tardis dress with the light as a hat. Hubby's Fourth Doctor Scarf was complimented many times.  (I smiled like I made it but I didn't--it was made by our sister-in-law for him.)  

The movie was wonderful. We really enjoyed it. There was the usual post-show show, about the making, which we always love. I hope you get a chance to see it (or download it from iTunes).

Now on to Thanksgiving... We plan to visit Brookfield Zoo on Thursday and then have roast chicken.  Our family gathering will be on Saturday. I can't wait! What are your plans?

1 comment:

  1. I hope you enjoyed the zoo today Marjorie! And I'm glad you loved the movie. Sounds as if you will have a good Thanksgiving, in fact - it's nice that it is spread out over several days.
