Friday, December 20, 2013

More holiday fun!

Yesterday I took the day off for a long overdue Girl's Day! We decided on a posh lunch out, a bit of shopping and also a few tasks that would go better together.
We dined at Fiora's in Geneva.  It was nicely decorated and we had a lovely lunch.  My sister is above.  We all had soup and salad, but different choices.
Here's my lunch. 
Here's my sister-in-law, about to take the first bite. 

After lunch we decided to walk it off down Third Street in Geneva, looking into the little shops and visiting the Little Traveler. Then we headed back to my sister's.
I had gotten my two quilt tops sewn together. Here they are.  We laid them out on my sister's floor and pinned the quilt top to the backing.  It went pretty quickly with three of us.
So quickly, I forgot to take photos.  We all liked the patterns and they came out pretty flat and mostly even.  Next step-quilting. I'm going to machine stitch on the diagonal.

Then we went into the basement to check out some of the pile of bins from Mom's. They've been there about ten years now.  We made a few dispositions but mostly just looked to see what was left and to begin thinking about what to do with it.  I suggested scanning the family history docs and seeing if one of the family history buffs in the extended family wants the originals. 

We found dad's high school year books, which were pretty cool to look through (1937, 1938 and 1939), a 1920s Lindbloom High literary magazine and a year book from Oak Ridge, Tenn, where Dad was in the army during WWII.  That looks to be the most interesting.  I have them now to look over and then will pass them on.  

All in all it was a lovely day.  

Today was another fun day.  We had our Holiday Party lunch and it was really great. I sat with a great group and we had nice conversations. The dessert was lots of fun candies (Swedish fish, malted milk balls) and little tiny cups of chocolate or eggnog mousse. I ate too much.
I was awarded my 25 year pin with lovely comments from the Dean.  Wow! I can't quite believe I've been at the University that long!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! A great opportunity to see a world class institution from the inside, you are lucky, The quilts look to be coming along beautifully.
