Saturday, February 22, 2014

Blue Crewel Progress

Blogger finally, reluctantly, uploaded a few photos. One at a time, but it did it, so I'm happy.
I've been working on this pretty steadily. I'm feeling my way and picking colors as I go, so it's slow sometimes as I dither.
Here are a couple of closer views. It took me a while to figure out how to do the embroidery over the stitched ground. For the leaves, I cut little leaf shapes from drier sheets and used them as a base. It helped me define the shapes. For the white flowers, I took one stitch across the width of the petal to act as a base and then stitched the petals vertically to the center over it.


  1. Wow... absolutely breathtaking! what beautiful colors and gorgeous stitching. A work of art for sure!
