Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Finished finishes

I put the project planning on hold and decided to focus a bit on finishing up some completed projects.
 I got the kit for this little pillow in December and have been working on it off and on since.  I didn't bother to pull out the sewing machine and just stitched it by hand.
 I made the Flower Power Angel up into an ornament.  She's going to be on exhibit next month at the Irwin Center in Homewood (with many other amazing pieces by the ladies of the Homewood Embroiderer's Guild.)
And I framed the Sweet Hearts needlepoint. I added some gold to the frame; I'm not sure how I like it.  It's also in the Irwin Center show.

It felt nice to get these things finished finished. All the while the other projects are percolating.

We took advantage of the nice weather on Saturday to take a walk in a nearby woods. We went to Thorn Creek Woods in Park Forest.  The path was the roughest I've done so far. I did okay with it. It's more up and down than what we've been doing, which was nice.  Bits of green starting but still mostly brown landscape. We visited the charming nature center and had a nice chat with the volunteer there. I spent some time at the bird watching window, enjoying the view. I think I saw a Tufted Titmouse.

After the nature center, we stopped at Park Forest Plaza at the Tallgrass Arts Center.  They had an interesting exhibit juxtaposing amazingly detailed landscapes in oil and watercolor paints with encaustic "landscapes" based on satellite images. It's called Near and Far.  We had a lovely chat with the volunteer there, too.  Such interesting people!

This week so far has been crazy.  Ice, sleet and then snow! I had to scrape my windshields this morning and my walk across campus today was way too cold. Yesterday I managed the visit of a circuit court judge and today hosted a big lecture and reception. Now I feel like I need a rest.

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