Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Some signs of Spring!


Last Sunday we went out to Lubeznik Center for the Arts to see the current exhibits. 
What Is Left Unspoken is the show in the main gallery.
 Doug Fogelson is a photographer. (Tree branches placed onto sensitive paper, above.)
Barbara Hashimoto did a series of pieces based on shredded junk mail. 
Both artists had very interesting concepts that made me think.
Upstairs, Laurel Izard had a couple of exhibits. One was of her drawings and collages. The collages were made with textbook pages (she's a teacher). They were a really fun surprise. And very different from her art that we had gone to the gallery to see...
The main reason we went was to see Laurel Izard's embroideries--Embroidered Archetypes: The Major Arcana.  They were awesome and you should go and see them if you can get to Michigan City. (the show runs through May 10)  Sorry, the photo is off kilter--it was really hard to get a picture without reflections. Another image is here.  And some of her other work, here.

The pieces are small and solidly embroidered. They are full of details--each time I looked at a piece, I saw something new. And there are a lot of them.  I'd say around 30 perhaps.   Go!

Downstairs was some school art--their take on the "Keep Calm" meme was fun.
And, finally, some green growing. These bulbs coming up were are the Dune's Visitor Center.  Sun, too. Notice--no snow on the ground.  It was still chilly, but at this point, I'll take what I can get!
This lovely tile flower was decorating a pillar inside of the visitor center.  Spring year 'round.

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