Monday, June 9, 2014

EGA Challenge with a Twist

I'm twisting already.  I think once I get underway, I'll be fine but right now I'm twisting away, not able to decide which of my three images would be the best one for this challenge. So I packaged my photos, some (pretty awful) stitch samples, and notes up and sent it off for commentary. I'm a bit worried that it's too soon, but this is where I'm stuck.  So, now to wait.
 I can see challenges and envision stitches and fabrics for all three designs. I posted them here a while back--the voting was a three-way tie (some comments came to me in personal conversations and e-mails, in addition to comments on the post). It told me I was on the right track and all three designs have interesting features. But it didn't help me stop my dithering.

I did keep my designs and copies of the notes so I can start working if I want to.
 This is stitch sample one...trying out sheers for sky and water and some knots for the waves on the shore. I tried ribbon for the figure. I'm not thrilled but I can see potential. I like the sky.
These are bushes and grasses at a distance (above) and close by (below). It feels really trite and stilted to me, but I think I'll loosen up and be fine working on the actual piece. I've never been a great one for samples, beyond trying something in a margin or tiny bits.  On the top piece, I attached a small stone, wrapped in tulle and stitched to the ground.  I like it.  I've been rereading Judith Baker Montano's books. 

This weekend I worked on the Homewood Guild summer challenge (which I can't show until September). And I've been working a bit on the Hardanger.

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