Monday, July 7, 2014

July 4th Weekend

Things are going to get (even more) sporadic now. Today's the first day of the two week summer seminar. Looong days.  But fun.  Then in August, I'm going to have my second knee replaced (did the first in January).  But for now...
 On the Grand Old Fourth I worked.  (I dragged Hubby in to the office with me so it was fun, for me at least!) We saw awesome fireworks at the park down the street from our house.  On Saturday, the gang met at my sister's for lunch.
 The weather was beautiful.  We feasted and talked.
 And I stitched.  I had the "brilliant" idea to stitch some gifts for some of the Summer Institute people I'm closest to.  I decided on monograms as a "west meets east" kind of thing.  This is for a Chinese friend.
 This for for a Thai friend. In Thailand the day of the week you are born determines your color. His is orange (as is mine). 
 On Sunday we drove out to Lubeznik Gallery to view the current show.  I love the detail in this shibori by Frank Connet.
 By the end of the weekend I had my Thai letter completed and framed.  It helps to have a deadline like a trans-global flight coming up to get the fingers moving.  The circle that looks like a watermark on the embroidery below is actually a reflection of the camera lens in the glass.  I didn't notice it until too late.

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