Monday, July 21, 2014

Summer Institute

For the past two weeks, I've been running our Summer Institute. Once it gets going, it's lots of fun--grueling long days, but, still, fun.  So not much needlework to show (one finish at the end).
To relax, last weekend we went to the Antique Power Steam Show at Crown Point. It's one of the highlights of our summer--kind of a low key county fair.
 It was lovely weather (we went Sunday, after Saturday's deluge was done and gone).
 Most of the biggest steam tractors weren't there because the ground was too wet for them, but there was still loads to see.
 This little engine really could--it went all around the grassy area, to the delight of the passengers.
 Hubby in the grandstand, waiting for the Parade of Power.
Here's my second monogram, another gift.  It's finished, framed, and wrapped. I have a third underway.

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