Monday, September 8, 2014

Back at Last

It's been a month now since my surgery and I'm doing well. I've graduated to a cane.  I can definitely vouch for the pain-relieving benefits of needlework--it helped a lot those first weeks to have the EGA challenge to work on. That and good friends who visited and Outlander viewing parties at the home of World Embroideries.
Here's a photo of the completed water.  Mostly running stitches through the net layers in varied silks, with some metallics.  The waves were stitched with strips of netting as thread, some stem stitch and some detached buttonhole toward the front. Some were whipped with metallics.  I added some very subtle clouds, a brilliant suggestion by World Embroideries.
Here are some of the first foreground elements laid in and tacked down. 
And here are more of the foreground fabrics tacked in place. 

Tonight is Homewood Embroiderer's Guild's first meeting for the year. I'm excited.

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