Friday, September 12, 2014

Homewood Guild Summer Challenge

Back in May, I posted about organizing a Summer Challenge, here. I'd gotten the idea from posts on Under the Topaz Sky's blog.  We had our reveal last Monday at our annual dinner meeting. Nearly half of our group participated and the embroideries were varied and wonderful.

Everyone brought the set of design parameters they received and explained how their piece fit them. It was really fun to hear about everones' planning and thought processes. 


  1. It was great to see the results of your summer challenge. It was also a reminder to suggest this to the program chair for my chapter.

    It was a good reminder to revisit Under the Topaz Sky blog, as well. I've enjoyed it in the past, but haven't visited recently. From just a brief scan, as I was looking for her post on this challenge, I can see she has been quite busy with her "little bits" of embroidery. It always amazes me how "important" they become by the time she has finished them. Though small, she puts such a lot of thought into them.

    Marta Brysha's blog is also interesting, although she tends to work on the other end of the scale (and seems to post less regularly, probably because of that scale). Link:

  2. I agree that the summer challenge worked out well. A lot of different ideas. And, of course, your putting this all together was a marvelous plan!
