Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

We've already had our family gathering for Thanksgiving--it was wonderful. Nephew grown pork roast (cooked by his mom) and our usual eclectic potluck of dishes. We stuffed ourselves.
 My bother putting the finishing touches on dessert, with my sister, and my husband.
 Serving the Thanksgiving Beer. Brewed by my brother-in-law and closely watched by a friend.
My sister-in-law, sister and brother.
 The nieces and nephews.  We had them trapped behind the table and I was determined to get a good photograph of all of them. 
 Second try.
 Not too bad.  I don't recall what caught their attention.
Finally smiles!

I bought a turkey and groceries for mashed potatoes and stuffing this morning, to cook for us on Thursday for a second Thanksgiving celebration.

And my big excitement, tomorrow I'm going to see Porgy and Bess at the Lyric Opera.
I'm giddy with anticipation.  
I'm going to a matinee performance and will be sitting way up high. I'll let you know all about it next week.

Best wishes for a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday weekend if you're in the U.S. It's my favorite holiday, a gathering of family and friends and taking time to pause and reflect on all that we have to be thankful for. 

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