Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Looking at the Past

 Sorry for the absence.  Work has gotten very busy and I'm still working on a late Christmas gift. Above is a collage of the projects I completed in 2014. I've done one every year for the past few years and print and keep it as an overview. So many of my projects are gifts and gone, it's nice to have a remembrance.
 My family got together recently to go through old family files.  This is a selfie of me from probably 1973. Even then I was into fabric. I found an emulsion I could paint on fabric (and wood!) and I printed my photos on a variety of media. This is on a light gray linen-weave polyester.
 My dad's mother...
 and his father.
 My dad and his sister, ca. 1928.
 This pair is of my grandparents. I'd seen them before but until I began the scanning project, never realized they were taken at the same time and place!  They were married in 1919, so I'd say this was around then.  They kind of look like courting pictures. 
That's how I've been spending my free time these days.

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