Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Post Holiday Shopping

I hope your holidays were as good as mine. I took a short break from work over New Year's and it was just wonderful. We had a great family gathering (more on that later) and I did lots of stitching.

Now that the New Year is here, Chicago is in the deep freeze. Brrrr! it's cold. Today is sunny, though, which helps when it's 0 out.  The Chicago weather pattern I grew up with (very cold + sunny bright or a bit warmer + snowy/gloomy) seems to be making a comeback. 
The big news from the family gathering is that I'm going to be a great aunt next summer. Woo-hoo!  

Since I had a day off work, I thought it was a good excuse to visit Country Cupboard. I haven't been able to visit there for years because they're up stairs, above an antiques shop in old Orland.  I found the kit on the left (on sale) to stitch up for the baby.  The bib on the right was also on sale, at Jo-Ann's. 

Check out their website--and if you haven't been there in a while, they have new hours.  They also have open stitch gatherings on Tuesdays (5 to 7:30 p.m.) and Wednesdays (10 a.m. to noon).
Country Cupboard is having some good sales right now. These two Shepherd's Bush kits were on sale. Now they're in my UFO pile.
Along with this one that I knew would appeal to hubby.  I got some silks to stitch with, but found fabric and more threads in my stash.
And a last add to the UFO pile.  I really loved this design and it was on sale.  Twist my arm.

I think I was overly ambitious with all the new projects, but I had a blast so I don't regret it. I'm still working on a holiday project that's taking me longer than I'd hoped.  I really like how it's coming out, but won't show it until it's been finished, sent, received, and opened. 

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