Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Felt Wee Folk book and goodies

I splurged recently and advance ordered this book from the author, Sally Mavor. It came with a treasure trove of goodies.
 Here's the book with the decorated mailing box (I just kept the decorated part), bookmark, flowers to get me going on the project. (If you're doing the color study with me, you'll note that one set is complementary and the other is analogous.) There's an inscribe postcard and a note card for me to use. The book is also inscribed.  

The book itself is wonderful, full of detail. I have the original book and made a lot of really cool dolls, all of which have been given away by now. I expect another doll fit coming on. You don't need many materials and they're pretty easy to find.

Mary Corbet did a lovely review of the book (and has a giveaway) as part of the book launch blog hop. You can find more on the blog hop on Sally Mavor's page.
The goody package was topped off by this wintry poster. Maybe I'll post it again when we're all complaining about the summer heat in a few months.


  1. It looks fascinating! But where are the photos of the little people you've made?!!

  2. Sorry, no photos of my fairies. I made them before I regularly took pictures of my work and have given them all away.
