Thursday, March 19, 2015

not much news

I finished this washcloth from my wip bag.  I didn't block it although the lace would show off more if I did, but--it's a washcloth.  I had already knit two others from this pattern with the same yarn, but this time I ran out of yarn.  I feel I was creative in making the most of the yarn I had and the narrow section isn't too noticeable. 
On Monday night we went to see Kodo, a Taiko performance group from Japan. We've been fans since first seeing them in the 1980s, but it had been about twenty years since we'd last seen them live. They were wonderful, as usual. j
For the final lesson of  the Crazy Quilting intermediate class, we piece some blocks. Instead of starting on that, I began this first. This is the start of a "whole quilt" crazy quilt pincushion, to have an old CD as a base. In a whole cloth CQ, you draw (or, as in this case, baste) the "seams" and then embroider seam treatments over them. I transferred the design lines by stitching through the design traced onto tracing paper. Once the basting was done, I tore the paper off.  

I've started some of the base stitches. The little pink line on the left is too small--I'm going to rip it out and make it bigger.  I'm using crewel wools on thick fulled wool. It will be fairly subtle, but I want a working pincushion.  I'm going to use some pieces of felt for flowers and embellishments--no beads and charms. We'll see how it comes out.

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea of crazy quilting on whole cloth! I love Taiko too. There is a very good group called Mugenkyo based in the UK and we never miss them if they are touring close to us!
