Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Enjoying Spring

I haven't been stitching much lately. Trying to be more active and walk more, get to the gym once in a while (and really feeling it!). Being lazy.
 On my morning walk on Sunday, I took a walk down the alley, to see new things. I had spotted this glorious lilac bush the day before as we drove past. It's at the back of a friend's yard--Tish is quite the gardener and it shows!
 The bush also smelled wonderful.
 I'm not sure what this white flower is--it was next to the lilac.
 Then a couple of houses down, I spotted this lovely flowering tree. Some kind of cherry, I think.
 One more lilac before heading into Indiana, to Valparaiso University's Brauer Museum of Art. We went to see their current exhibits and their student show, which was closing that day. It was not as exuberant as the little kids' show, but fun and interesting.
 Outside, on the campus, I spotted these sculptures. It is a sculpture installation, Borders, by Steinunn Thorarinsdottir. More information here, about midway down the page.
 It is strangely compelling.
A view I'd never noticed before, outside the Valparaiso University arts center, looking in. 

1 comment:

  1. What GORGEOUS flowers and beautiful colors! Love them! Can almost smell it through the computer!
