Saturday, June 6, 2015

Another finish

I'm just rolling along here! This is the whole cloth crazy quilt I began in Kathy Shaw's intermediate crazy quilting class a couple of months ago.
It's a "whole cloth" crazy quilt design, where you baste in the "piecing" lines; the ground fabric is solid, not pieced.  I used a piece of hand-dyed fulled wool for the base and designed a circular crazy quilt square for a CD-based pincushion. (I've been wanting to make on of those, inspired by Ivory Blush Roses--you can see her twelve pincushions stitched last year here, scroll down a bit.) 
The thread is all Appleton crewel wool and the only embellishments are bits cut from wool felt. (Pin friendly)
I used two old CDs to make it up. The top is stuffed and then the CD put on top and the thread gathered over it all. I had basted around my outer edge and used that a a guideline as I laced the fabric on. I would have been in big trouble without that basting line.
The base is a CD covered with felt. Then I put the two together and ladder stitched them.
I had fun being creative with the stitches, using some stitches and templates from the class, some from the Internet, and some made up.

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