Friday, July 10, 2015

EGA Challenge--layers 4 and 5

Sorry, this was to have been posted last week...

I've been doing the pressing and organizing on the weekends and trying to do some stitching on the week days.  Below is layer 4. I pressed it over freezer paper and then stitched it with the paper still in to give it a bit of thickness and stiffness. 
The edges where they overlap the box shape at the bottom are outlined in red flower thread.
 This is layer 5. It's appliqued on and the right half is outlined in black flower thread. The outline really makes the shape pop.  This shape is a turquoise cotton with matte grey lace over it. I cut fat seam allowances, so most of the shape is a double (or triple around the edges where seam allowances overlap each other) layer.  The lace added a lot of thickness and body.
I've seen some facebook conversations lately about how much stuff (or little) people need when working on a project. I tend toward pulling a lot more than I'll ever need.  This is my bag of threads (with a package of gray rickrack I thought I might use) for this project. It's mostly flower threads, some floss. And spools of sewing thread for the applique. So far I've used red and black flower thread.  But who knows what all I'll use before I'm done.

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