Thursday, September 17, 2015

Blog Hiaitus

I feel like I'm caught in limbo right now. In two weeks I'm retiring from working at the University of Chicago for the past 27 years. And I'm looking forward to it. 

My first task will be to have some revision surgery on my replacement hip.  I just can't seem to get past that, to see what else the future will bring. 
I'm looking forward to having time to clean and clear out. In the long term that will mean I'll have better access to my supplies, know what I have and where it is, get rid of things I know I will not do, and I'll be able to do better work, I hope. Perhaps move in new directions.

In the short term, I suspect it all means that actual stitching by me will be in short supply. I'm not sure what kind of routine and schedule I'll work out in the end.  So, for now I'm going to take a blog break and give myself time to work through the transition and see where I end up.

I suspect it's likely to be back here.

Thank you very much for reading my blog and for all of your comments and support. 
I began this blog in May 2010 and this is the 1018th post.


  1. I really enjoy your blog but understand that sometimes life gets in the way - which is why I don't have my own blog. All the very best for for your upcoming surgery - I hope it goes well and is 100% successful this time.

  2. Oh wishes for all that is to come. You were my original inspiration to begin blogging and you will be MISSED. But I do understand. I hope that you enjoy the time away and accomplish all you set out to do. I pray for your surgery and if you need anything at all, please fell free to call. Hugs.

  3. You will be missed--hope you come back after the transition! Your creativity is so inspiring.

  4. I will look forward to seeing you back here before long, Marjorie.
