When we were at the
Washington Park Zoo in Michigan City, IN, last weekend, the peacocks were strutting their stuff.

His tail looks lovely here but boy, when he puts on a show! This photo best captures the colors of the plumage. The shape of the tail above reminds me of ladies' skirts from the 1880s.
I can see why embroiderer's have been inspired by peacocks--their colors and their feathers--for centuries.

The plumes are HUGE!

The zoo also has an albino peacock--he wasn't displaying like the others, but still, he's so elegant!

Here is a peacock in action, trying to lure the ladies (they weren't having any of it).

Here you can see, from the back the stiff feathers that hold the display. When he got going those would vibrate (causing the fan to vibrate, too) and he'd run forward toward the peahens. They mostly just ignored it, sometimes squawking in alarm.

I found it fascinating.