Monday, May 12, 2008

April TIF done!

I had set my personal goal of May 15 for completing this piece with its last minute changes, and I made it! It changed a bit from my initial thoughts to incorporate what I learned last month in Catherine Jordan's class.

I backed it with a lovely hand painted silk by Laura Wasilowski, ArtFabrik. The piece of fabric is a pastel rainbow and I'd planned to use the yell0w-peach end but ended up using blue to green.

One thing I noticed was how the different stitches affected the fabric. I measured each piece before stitching using the same template, drew threads to outline the border and stitched. The four-sided stitch band (second from left) shrunk considerably more than the hemstitched band (leftmost). The buttonhole stitch edgeing added to the size of the band (second from right) and the needlewoven sections in the tree band really pulled in the fabric. I was vaguely aware this would happen but wasn't sure how to compensate for it without stitching the band twice.


  1. Very nice finish on your series. I'm sure Catherine would be very proud that she inspired you to this.

  2. Beautiful. I love this tree.

  3. The tree is terrific, and I also like the way you've combined the openwork with embroidery stitches. Very nice!

  4. This is exquisite. I really love the work-

  5. Thats beautiful Marjorie. Thank you for your comment and for bringing me to your blog.

  6. It turned out wonderful, Marj!


  7. Lovely - especially the tree
