Saturday, May 10, 2008

odds and ends

I have a few moments before heading home--the conference I've been running is over. (phew!) I actually got some stitching done on my final band for the April TIF challenge. My tree trunks are in and I'm working on leaves!

I have just a last few photos of things from my trip to the EGA Great Lake's Region seminar. The first is a skein of yarn I dyed at a fiber fair: 13th Annual Stephenson County Fiber Art Fair
Saturday, April 19 (here's the page for next year's event--are they on the ball or what?)

This was the most fun! They had it all set up with covered tables, elegant trash-bag protective gowns, mixed dyes in old-fashioned baby bottles, and a microwave to set the dyes. I had great fun squeezing and squishing colors onto my skein. The fair itself was also a great deal of fun. Any and everything to do with fiber--fleece to lace.

The little yellow booklet was our first favor at the GLR seminar. I really got into it and collected a bunch of autographs. The pages fold out this way and that and it all ties with the pretty ribbon. I really enjoyed doing it but, more, once I got home I had a great time reading notes from friends, acquaintances, teachers...

Sampler and Antiques Needlework Quarterly's new issue features an article on autograph books, in particular autograph books with stitching in them or ribbon weaving, etc. It's a really interesting article and worth looking for.

The last photo is of two items I purchased from the Needle Workshop from Wausau, WI. It looks like a great shop and the next time we visit family nearby, I plan to do some shopping there.

The acorn holds a thimble. I really like acorns and have long wanted one of these thimble holders. This one is smooth and lovely to hold and touch.

The long item is called a "soldier's friend." I couldn't find anything about it in a quick Google search, so I'm not sure if the stories are just that or not. The ridged part holds threads. The nobby end comes off to hold needles, so everything is there when the soldier needs it to mend his uniform. I was told it was based on a model from the U.S. Civil War. I think it's pretty cool and "needed" it so it came home with me.

1 comment:

  1. I like that "soldier's friend" thing too! Lovely finish on it. Could it have been used as a darning egg too? The knob looks like that would work.


    PS: Check out Cindy's blog today:
