Saturday, June 21, 2008

Opening my eyes

Last night on the way home from work the light was just perfect and I felt like I was coming out of hibernation. It was dark ahead with gray storm clouds and the sun was low on the horizon, my favorite combination for taking photographs.

The first thing to catch my eye was that the entire median on Stony Island Ave. was full of glorious golden day lillies in full bloom. How on earth had I missed these before? They were glowing! I wish I'd had my camera.

After that wake-up call, I began really noticing my surroundings. As I got closer to home I was passing through areas where it had rained. There was a sparkle and clarity to the air there and even the ordinary seemed magical. The "steel bridge" glowed white against the dark sky and everthing stood out in unusual clarity. It was a magical moment to treasure.

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