Saturday, June 21, 2008


This conference is finally over and I'm off for what's left of the weekend. Thursday night I got home with enough daylight to take a couple of photos. The first is my pot of flowers by the front door. They did like all the heat and rain of the past few weeks. This week has been much more pleasant for humans--less rain and cooler.

These are some sale threads I got recently: mostly Rainbow Gallery silks and Matte 18s with some Impressions and other odd fibers thrown in. A very good sale. They're out on the lawn to soak up some sun and chlorophyl and get rid of the nasty cigarette smoke smell they came with. (it worked, although I think I'd like to give them another visit to the lawn when I get a chance and a sunny day.)

Here's my TIF piece as of Thursday. I'm stitching on the left the mirror image of the design traced on the right. more or less. I'm using Rita's silks. It's very slow going this month.

Next month I'm going to start Sharon B's Studio Journals class on Joggles. I got the supplies list today. I know I have some things, not sure about others, and will need to think about buying still others. I've never taken a class from Joggles and liked the class list style--a complete list as an attachment and an e-mail list with links to the recommended products that Joggles carries to make finding them easier. Easier is often better.

I just got a book at Barnes & Nobles about using colored pencils that I think may be a good complement to this class. Oh, and my brother-in-law's book finally came in at Borders!

And as a bit of retail therapy, I placed a fun order with Cartwright's Sequins just in time to have a small box of goodies arrive on my office desk on Thursday. It was a sunny spot in an otherwise frantic day.

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