Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Orphan Auto Picnic

One of my favorite summer events is the Chicagoland Corvair Enthusiasts' Orphan Auto Picnic. I like the picnic part more than the auto part, but they do get some amazing and unusual cars to come out for the day. It was held on shady river-front property in a western suburb of Chicago.

In the spirit of the Studio Journals class, I took photos of hubcaps and made a mosaic of them. Most often the more unusual cars had less interesting hubcaps. One little car had the motor in the middle and no side doors but the front opened as did the back. You kind of climbed in and slid under the steering wheel in the front and the back seat faced back. My husband was quite taken by a three-wheel car.

This site has a ton of photos of this year's picnic. If you look hard you can see me in my hat sitting with my stitching in the back of a couple of the photos. (we sat next to a white tent in the picnic area, not amongst the cars)

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