Friday, August 15, 2008

Take a look at this!

Is my sister-in-law an awesome knitter or what? I found this sale cotton yarn and after having it for a few years realized I'd never do anything with it. SIL knits so I'll give it to her. Never dreaming... The minute she saw the yarn the gears began turning--it was amazing to watch. You could actually see the light bulb go on over her head as she began designing it in her mind immediately. She'd been teaching a top-down bias pullover/ cardigan and adapted that. She took my measurements and took off knitting.

The secondary colors were her choice and really spark the design. The dragonfly design is also her original design. She knows I'm quite partial to dragonflies. I'm just too pleased for words.

I think I brought the yarn by in April. She had me try on the sweater, on the needles, in July. And here it is, complete, for my birthday! (and it's not even a major birthday, just a usual one in the midst of a decade) I've completed the back of a sweater for myself and the front is languishing, half done, in a pile. I knit hats and scarves and posies and fingerless gloves--not sweaters or other big items. And not originals at all.

The front has a button band and I need to find the perfect buttons for it. I think the design is so striking I may stick with simple plain solid color buttons. But who knows what inspiration will strike in the button aisle!

Thanks to the best SIL ever!


  1. That sweater is beautiful! I wish I had a SIL like that! It is so cool that she included dragon flies! I can't wait to see you, we had a wonderful time in Michigan.

  2. You are a lucky girl Marjorie. A beautiful creation. I love dragonflies too.

  3. Very nice!!!! Dragonflies...oh my! Now where do you live again???? ....and where was that spare key hiding..... :-)
