Monday, October 13, 2008

Lots to time to say it!

I had a fun long weekend and have lots to go on about but no time today. I did want to post this pillow. I won it last week in a draw at my EGA chapter meeting. It was donated by a member, Pat. Our chapter holds these occasional drawings for donated items as fundraisers. This is the first time I've won! Just in time for Thanksgiving.

We had a lovely summery weekend here in Chicagoland and I enjoyed being outdoors as much as possible. On Friday my hubby and I visited the outlet mall in Michigan City and then went out for a long walk along the lakeshore.

On Saturday I went to the Wildflower Harvest Quilt and Wearable Show. It was a really inspiring show, full of inspiration. I got some goodies at the market, too! Pat Winter was there with her amazing garden quilt and a load of wonderful things to sell.

Here is the kit for a cathedral window ornament with my finished ornament inside. The kit was from Caroline's Cottage Cottons, Rome, Indiana. The kit included everything except thread and needle (fabric, beads and stuffing!)

They had a lovely booth and I also got some wools in striking colors. I don't have a particular project in mind but I have seen some really cool landscape pincushions in teacups (I found them once on a blog and haven't found them again) and they were my inspiration for choosing the wools.

On Sunday we got out and about to the Morris Car Show, a truly huge show! More to come...


  1. try this link:

    I have to get off Nick's system as he is doing his Gender Studies paper.

  2. sounds like a great weekend. looking forward to seeing the teacup pincushions
