Tuesday, October 14, 2008

More quilt show...

First, Leila very thoughtfully noted the blog with the sweet teacup pincushions in a comment to yesterday’s post. Here it is in case you missed it. Mimi Kirschner does lovely work.

In lieu of a real vacation, I’m taking some long weekends this fall. Hopefully we’ll have more time to play and have fun on the weekend. Actually, last weekend was all fun and not a chore got done. I think I have just barely enough undies to make it through this week! We’re already planning for next weekend and right now we’re looking at this art studio tour in Porter County, Indiana.

More on the quilt show. Pat Winter’s booth was just lovely. Her bags, purses, and pendants are beautiful in photos--but they're even better in real life! She had her garden quilt there, too, on a display stand. It's one of those pieces you can look at for hours and always see something new.

And Pat is much too sweet. I need to get a better picture of the pendant I bought with it's lovely tag. This is blurry (I took it outdoors on a cloudy morning but there was still glare). The embroidery is exquisite. Everyone at my guild last night fell in love with the teeny flower sequins Pat used. I was thrilled to note when I got home that the pendant really complements a new jacket I’d gotten the day before. I felt quite the queen yesterday in my new jacket and pendant! (even the lime green ribbon was perfect!)

And look at all the goodies Pat very generously gave me – lovely silkies, ribbons and a dragonfly kit and a bliss kit. I’m in heaven. I’m very lucky to have people like Pat in my life.


  1. Hi Marjorie, it is always nice to see you and get to chat a bit.Thrilled that your pendant is bringing smiles. I am glad you enjoyed the show. It was so nice to see so much interest in CQ.
    Ellen Anne Eddy is opening her studio the 18th for the tour as well, just to let you know. She is in Porter near Blue Stem beads.

  2. Thanks for the link to the pin cushions, they are really cute!

